Pyramid of social power of wealth 

Proportions of Social Classes

In every society there are three levels of citizens the fundamental, yet overlooked relations between the theory of needs and the theory of social stratification. 

The distributions of human needs and the synthesis between these distributions and social stratification suggests that hierarchical representations that are attributed to Maslow and Marx on needs and classes

On top stands the Rich layer of wealthy families high tech banking real estate companies and wealthy individuals 

At the bottom layer of society stands majority of poor social layer

The middle class stage of society is in a clash with powerful progressive driven the labor unions and working hard class of families

In the bottom for the poor level point of view the middle class are richer than them poorer majority 

Due to that the middle class point of view- they prefer to become richer 

For The top level in society the rich have immunity and they are in power of the pyramid. They control and take advantage of the middle class class level since they are poorer than they are.

The middle class are being shrinking and being pressed by both sides ( minorities of richness from above & by avoiding reforms rates of cost of living and high cost of living).

In the bottom The low tech class lays workers one big major level - base of the pyramid stands the poor people & they have mostly not been given proper education and in some parts are involved in underworld crime ,immigrants , new comers , these 

are being the base of this social pyramid 

Proportions of Social Classes when Forced to a Pyramid Shape Source: Adapted from Runciman (1990)

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